photo by Jamie Julian

Every time I see them I am stunned.

They seem to by-pass the mind, and lodge naturally in one’s intuitive field.

Many inspiring experiences occurred along the way.

I would like to share one with you.

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and designs are welcome.
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Years ago I read a very interesting book about crop circles. This sparked my curiosity and excitement about a subject both personal and universal in nature. Meanwhile, people in the UK and Europe, especially, were observing, enjoying and talking about the phenomenon.

In the spring of 2010 I saw a wonderful film about them. Towards the end a woman was asked: “What do you think they are?” She responded, “I think they are a gift to humanity.” This went straight to my heart, and fueled my desire to share them. In addition, I had always wanted to draw and color the circles. Since I couldn’t find any books for this artistic exploration, I thought that maybe I could put one together. I started talking with the scholars, while researching the vast amount of photographs posted on several websites. By then I was hooked. After selecting a variety of photos from the UK, art exercises were designed and successfully tested with children. Then I found myself chasing more fantastic images from other countries. I thank the photographers who graciously allowed me to include their work in my book, as well as the artists and other loving contributors.            

Each crop circle appearance is a
story in itself.

Let your imagination soar.



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